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Brief Description:
The Simpsons map with great textures
Blow up or the Simpsons house, or Mr. Burns's Office.
Full Description:
 I have found that the novelty of this map being based on The Simpsons, wears off prtty quickly. Then the map just gets boring. The terrorists start in a very strange place. It looks like a plaza with all of the more popular buildings in the show, such as the Comic Book Store and Bowlerama. You can exit the plaza through and opening in the fence that takes you into a small strip of grass with an entrance to the sewers and another fence opening going into the CT side of the map. On the CT side is Evergreen Terrace. Everything on this map looks like a cartoon. I'm sure that the maker of this map wanted to keep it authentic cartoon/Simpsons style, but it just makes it look bad. Not really that original, and the layout is pretty bad, with the plaza and all. It can be really fun at times though, with a lot of people. |
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