Home > Server Info > Maps
Gameplay Style:
Rushing, Sniping, general all around fun
Max Players:
In Rotation:
Brief Description:
This is the map that recaptured my Imagination and brought me back to Counter-Strike.
starwars2 - Use the Force Luke
Jedi-Knights: Prevent Terrorists
from killing. Team members must use Tie
Fighters to stop the empire's growth
Terrorists: The Terrorist destroy all jedi.
Other Notes: There are 2 weapon stashes in
the mission by your spawn.
Full Description:
This map is not just for Star Wars Fans. It is for fans of simple yet stategic maps that encourage you to try new strategies. I personally like this map with Low Gravity (60). Low G opens the Playing field and makes it even more challenging. There are various Campsites for those who like to camp Including the Infamous Bottom Space Camping which everyone hates! to Mobile Camping (is there such a thing?) where players take a Tie Fighter out into space and proceed to pick players off usually with a Sniper Rifle. I think this map is too small to use AWP's effectively. They make the map unfair. |
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