So, in effort to make our clan new... sleek and.. no, ok, cutting to the chase here are the new ranks.
- Sniper(SharpShooter)
- Dummy(Decoy)
- Firearms Specialist(All non sniping weaps)
- Explosives Specialist ('Nade wh***)
Special Rankings:
- Veteran(How long have you been playin CS?!)
- Slayer("Is it possible to be that good?")
Officers(one or more for each)
- Tactical Command
- Weapons Command
- Team Command
So. in short, our current rank system is as follows:
L - Leader
CL - Co-Leader
M - Member
New ranks:
O- Overlord
S- Staff
M- Member
P- Peon(New recruits)
<Ripped off of Halo2 clan organization>
Overlords can:
1. Recruit new members
2. Change Peon/Member
3. Grant Staff Ranks
6. Play in clan Matches
Staff can:
1. Recruit New Players with 1 overlord's acceptance
2. Change Member/Peon Ranks
3. Get booted
4. Play in clan matches
Members can
1. Recruit new players with 1 Staff and 2 Overlords' acceptance
2.Play in clan matches
3. Get booted
Peons can
1. Play in clan matches
2. Get booted
i will be conducting some tests to see how the ranks will switch off. for further info, look at the clan organization page.