Since i cant even post on general SR since its MODERATED, and i have no say, ill paste my clan rank thing here which should go into effect !
the recruit tag last for 30 days which then we issue you the next rank up. basically this is what ive been thinking, and with the rest of the clans approval, this will be what works.
|l| = leader
|cl|= co-leaders
|c| = captain
|p| = private
---------------< specialty tag *
|m| = mercenary
|r| = recruit
*specialty, is basically your position, what you think you do best.
there are 6 specialty tags
|s| = sniper (snipe of course!)
|g| = gunner (uses semi automatics)
|k| = knifer (relies on knifes when in trouble)
|b| = bomber (loves to 'nade)
|si|= sidearm(excels at using pistols, or sidearms
|p| = priest (uses shotties/para, spray n'pray )
any suggestions on making this better ? or should we start ranking ?!