the recruit tag lasts for 30 days which then we issue you the next rank up. merc lasts for 30 days. specialty is permanent unless a private leaves, then leader/coleaders nominate a new private. if a co leader or leader leaves, the remaining leaders/co leaders vote on a captain to take the place. there are only 2 captains and 2 privates.
|l| = leader
|cl|= co-leaders
|c| = captain
|pi| = private
------------------------------------< specialty tag *
*specialty, is basically your position, what you think you do best.
there are 6 specialty tags
|s| = sniper (snipe of course!)
|g| = gunner (uses semi automatics)
|k| = knifer (relies on knifes )
|b| = bomber (loves to 'nade)
|si|= sidearm(excels at using pistols, or sidearms
|pr| = priest (uses shotties/para, spray n'pray )
|m| = mercenary
|r| = recruit
good, now that its posted on our forums no one will whine.