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{MC} Paradise CS Server does Starwars!
The Official Counter-Strike Web Site

The Clan

Posted: Sunday, May 23, 2004 4:24 PM (EST)

I just was wondering since my friend has a really kick-ass shirt for his clan, we should have one too. So, what better way to make a shirt, than holding a contest. These are the reqirements. The image must be geared towards cs/starwars2. the image must be able to clearly be shrunk to a 640x400 or 400x600 Resolution. there must also be a spot on the picture for a small slogan/rhyme/something with words that is geared towards the clan. Ok, what do you get out of it? Well.. the winner, shall recieve a free t-shirt with a small cash prize*.  Hopefully, we ge alot of participation in this contest. The Picure will be mounted on a black shirt.


The second part of the contest is the creation of a slogan/rhyme/etc. Basically, the only rule for this is for the words to be appropriate, be creative, and make sure that it is geared towards the clan.. if you are not in this clan, you might have better luck participating in the first part of this contest. If you win this, you will get a free shirt and a small cash prize*. Have Fun!


*The Cash prize will be less than $15(i have canadian money raheem =D), so dont try to jip me =P.

**I might have to charge for shipping, not sure yet, i will give more details when the winners are announced

***Slogan Prize is less than $10 contest will end June 30th. Either email the picture or post it on the site, and there will be another thread in this forum for the slogan entries.


Author Thread:
Posted: Monday, May 24, 2004 7:57 PM (EST)
kewl kirk, lol, im still working on ideas.

Posted: Thursday, May 27, 2004 11:35 PM (EST)

I see like a CT guy with a light saber, maybe a blue one, and a T guy with a red light saber, and both of them are like in close, with the sabers making an X and their foreheads almost touching. and at the top have the ship raiders tag and or name. maybe at the bottom put like prepare to be raided or something. and maybe on the sleeve put a lightsaber like horizontal and then like your name above it, basically the saber would be replacing what you would use as an UNDERLINE.

 prolly on the right sleeve. I wish i could draw all this but it would look horrible lol. then maybe on the back put all the members and maybe the PWnage since 2003 above them.  I really would wear something like this, it would rock.

Posted: Friday, May 28, 2004 12:21 AM (EST) - Just this quick t-shirt idea i had, i someone wants to like take this and actually draw it or find a way to make them look halfway decent, go for it, this was just my idea, i really stink at drawing so i just made this as what i wanted my idea to look like.

Posted: Friday, June 4, 2004 1:05 PM (EST)

damn we can't have a wet t-shirt contest? :-) Miss me? I'm into DoD at the moment but I'll come back soon. I'm gettin a job soon so I'll be on and off with dod a job and cs. I'll try my hardest to play as often as I can but, I am havin way too much fun on DoD! Kirk, Den, you need to check it out! Radio already has, and he's hooked! LOL. Although he only uses the Thompson, he's pretty damn good with it! HAHA! I'm in the server today. All day today, no DoD for me today. Please join me!



am I still CL or should I have the |M|
and Kirk, what was the SR|f1killer/kirk that I saw the other day? Is that sticking?

Posted: Monday, June 7, 2004 12:47 AM (EST)

I love that gun!!! lol.. its amazing.. Its the mp5 of dod.. Im not too sure about the names of the guns but ive been practicing alot with the grenadier, rifleman, sniper, master sargent(thompson), and so on.. I want to get good with the MG but, I find myself struggling with the prone button, I always hit the windows key instead.


anyway, back to the original thread.. here is my contribution to the contest. I can change it however you like:


I added some texture to it to make it look wrinkly. It looks kinda like some sort of mural on a wall or it simulates how it will look on the t-shirt itself..


its not my best work.   

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