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Author Thread: booted from SR
booted from SR
Posted: Friday, June 4, 2004 9:28 PM (EST)
hmm i forgot to ask this y was i booted from SR was it bc of me and Rad are bc of all the voteing pp off


Author Thread:
booted from SR
Posted: Friday, June 4, 2004 9:46 PM (EST)
So if Snakz is no longer in the clan, does that mean there is an opening? Say, for someone like me perhaps?

booted from SR
Posted: Saturday, June 5, 2004 12:11 PM (EST)

lol probably not T-Hog we already have a new and better member =P

"THE #1 KILLER" maybe kirk might let you in if you show him how good you are

booted from SR
Posted: Sunday, June 6, 2004 7:06 PM (EST)
y was i booted from SR lol

booted from SR
Posted: Tuesday, June 8, 2004 3:41 PM (EST)
well, at least i tried. maybe i can get some people together for my own class, then we can match off against you guys.

booted from SR
Posted: Wednesday, June 9, 2004 11:39 PM (EST)

Lol it seems like the people who either get booted from SR or people who were turned away, attempt to make a clan to compete against us..


Its not that we dont want you, its that we already have alot of members. Perhaps we should eliminate those who are "Inactive" and replace them with more active members.


This is just a thought.. We dont want to dismiss people, who are interested in joining us. Its just that if we let anyone in, the clan will become cluttered.


Im guessing we will soon start to filter out those who are inactive/ dont care to be in the clan.


Snakz i have no idea why you got kicked. I had nothing to do with it.. You can take that up with Kirk and Dennison.

The #1 Killer
booted from SR
Posted: Thursday, June 10, 2004 2:20 PM (EST)
i agree..I think this clan is organized....and if we recruit anymore, we might have big problems, and plus, para might not like some of SR, he might ban SR from MC servers..., that would suk..

booted from SR
Posted: Thursday, June 10, 2004 9:22 PM (EST)
That's not about to happen! I would never hold an entire clan responsible for the actions of a few. Besides there is no one in SR that I can say I don't like. Currently there is no one playing that I don't like (maybe I just haven't met them yet) SR has a Home here on MC, and I can't imagine anything that would change that except the members choosing to be elsewhere. and even if that happened (hopefully never!) They would always have a place to come HOME to! People either have to hack or do something really overboard to get permanantly banned. There are a few Clans that are banned form MC servers. Anyone trying to connect with one of those clan tags is autokicked. But I have completely legitimate reasons for it, they were blacklisted by the Admins of the HLDS mailing list I subscribe to, and we stick together. I am not going to say which clans it is...

booted from SR
Posted: Friday, June 11, 2004 2:27 AM (EST)

i did not care at the time y i was booted to some 1 ask me

i was going say it was bc of the  voteing . what was going on me and Rad came to a end along time ago (i hope)


( But I have completely legitimate reasons for it, they were blacklisted by the Admins of the HLDS mailing list I subscribe to, and we stick together. I am not going to say which clans it is...)


i don't get there forum lol dont know how to ues it


booted from SR
Posted: Monday, June 14, 2004 1:51 AM (EST)
Well if you guys ever get any room in the clan, lemme know if you interested in lettin me in. I've been thinkin of gettin in a clan/starting up another one for a while now. HOG has been kinda dead since the mplayer/gamespy merge and they don't even play cs.

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