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Paradise Server

Author Thread: All your Mapz R belong to us!!
All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:47 AM (EST)

Well, I was curious to see how many maps we have on the servers these days, and the answer is quite a few.... 524!

I know there are a lot of good maps that are not on the servers and it is our goal to find those maps and put them on the servers!

If you know of any good maps that are not on our list then please let us know and we'll check it out!

Here is the current list:

  1. 12guagecage
  2. 3d_aim_dust2
  3. 3d_aim_nuke
  4. 3d_aim_train_a
  5. 3d_aim_train_b
  6. aim_ak-colt2k3
  7. aim_ak-colt_pool
  8. aim_deagle
  9. aim_headshot
  10. aim_mp5
  11. aim_mp5_ak_m4
  12. aim_mp5_teleportation
  13. aim_pistols
  14. aim_steambansv2
  15. air_fight2
  16. ak-colt_desert
  17. ak-colt_desert2
  18. ak-colt_desert3
  19. ak-colt_inka
  20. ak-colt_inka2
  21. ak_torn
  22. alleyrush
  23. arena_v2
  24. as_crazytank
  25. as_crazytank2
  26. as_crazytank3
  27. as_moria
  28. as_oilrig
  29. awp_castle
  30. awp_desert
  31. awp_dust
  32. awp_l337sk337
  33. awp_map
  34. bastrig
  35. battlefield_rush
  36. battlefield_rush2
  37. bhd_as
  38. bhd_convoy
  39. bhd_cs
  40. bhd_de
  41. bighouse
  42. big_city
  43. blackhawkdown
  44. blackhawkd_v2
  45. box
  46. bridgealpha
  47. building
  48. building_2
  49. bulk_freighter_test
  50. cafeteria
  51. camera
  52. camera_test_room
  53. cars_n_robots
  54. cart_attack
  55. car_fight
  56. cashshouse1
  57. cashshouse3
  58. cc_boathouse
  59. cc_junglebase
  60. cc_mission1
  61. cc_mission2
  62. cc_mission3
  63. cc_mission4
  64. cc_secret_base
  65. cc_training
  66. cherryclan_hq
  67. chicken_run
  68. chopper_attack
  69. climb
  70. clue_2b
  71. clue_3
  72. crate_warehouse
  73. crazycar
  74. crazycar_v2
  75. crazytank
  76. csde_bridge
  77. csde_gimlirats
  78. csde_radclan
  79. cspaintball1
  80. cspaintball2
  81. cs_1337_assault
  82. cs_175bikini
  83. cs_5star
  84. cs_747
  85. cs_aldi2k
  86. cs_assault
  87. cs_assault2k
  88. cs_assaultwarehouse
  89. cs_assault_ahoy
  90. cs_assault_christmas
  91. cs_assault_necro
  92. cs_assault_nod
  93. cs_assault_upc
  94. cs_backalley
  95. cs_beck
  96. cs_beirut
  97. cs_belair
  98. cs_bikini
  99. cs_bikinigirl
  100. cs_bikiniresort
  101. cs_boxoffice2k
  102. cs_cityassault_final
  103. cs_city_assault
  104. cs_city_house_BETA
  105. cs_coldmansion
  106. cs_condo
  107. cs_costabrava
  108. cs_delta_assault
  109. cs_doors
  110. cs_duke2k
  111. cs_e3_assault
  112. cs_estate
  113. cs_gamma_assault
  114. cs_gathering
  115. cs_gokarts2race
  116. cs_grocerystore
  117. cs_haste_final
  118. cs_havana
  119. cs_hellfire2
  120. cs_highsociety
  121. cs_india
  122. cs_iraq
  123. cs_italy
  124. cs_jackpot_v2
  125. cs_jedi
  126. cs_jedi_assault
  127. cs_libre
  128. cs_madhouse
  129. CS_MARI
  130. cs_mariokart
  131. cs_mario_b2
  132. cs_militia
  133. cs_moria2
  134. cs_office
  135. cs_overeast
  136. cs_pelham123
  137. cs_prospeedball
  138. cs_radclan
  139. cs_randommansion
  140. cs_rats2_final
  141. cs_ratstvroom
  142. cs_redwood
  143. cs_rio
  144. cs_siege
  145. cs_starwars
  146. cs_starwars01
  147. cs_streetfight
  148. cs_terrordrome
  149. cs_theatre
  150. CS_ties
  151. cs_tiki
  152. cs_wildwest
  153. cs_wildwest_assault
  154. cs_yemen
  155. darkhouse
  156. dark_forest
  157. days_inn
  158. deads_nades
  159. demolition_derby2
  160. demo_derby_ka
  161. de_747
  162. de_airstrip
  163. de_apache
  164. de_aztec
  165. de_aztec2
  166. de_batcave
  167. de_bathroom3
  168. de_box
  169. de_cbble
  170. de_celtic
  171. de_chateau
  172. de_cliffcabin
  173. de_comrade_3rdroute
  174. de_concrete2_beta8-7c
  175. de_contra
  176. de_cpl_fire
  177. de_cpl_mill
  178. de_cpl_strike
  179. de_crazytank
  180. de_cyberdyne
  181. de_darkmines
  182. de_darkrats
  183. de_dawn
  184. de_deathstar
  185. de_desktop
  186. de_dorms
  187. de_dust
  188. de_dust2
  189. de_dust3
  190. de_dustbunnies
  191. de_enterprise-D
  192. de_greenville
  193. de_inferno
  194. de_inferno_spam_spots
  195. de_missle_v2
  196. de_muertechalet
  197. de_museum
  198. de_new_hope
  199. de_nmcastle
  200. de_nmjungle1
  201. de_nmjungle2
  202. de_northwood
  203. de_nuke
  204. de_nuke_spam_spots
  205. de_omg
  206. de_pacman
  207. de_piranesi
  208. de_plunder
  209. de_predator
  210. de_prodigy
  211. de_radclan
  212. de_rats4_final
  213. de_rock
  214. de_scootathon2k
  215. de_simpsons
  216. de_southwood
  217. de_springfield_v2
  218. de_stargate_atlantis
  219. de_starwar
  220. de_starwars
  221. de_starwars2
  222. de_stealths_house_v2
  223. de_storm
  224. de_survivor
  225. de_therealrats
  226. de_tombraid
  227. de_torabora
  228. de_torn
  229. de_tot
  230. de_train
  231. de_train_spam_spots
  232. de_tuberaider
  233. de_twintowers_final
  234. de_vertigo
  235. de_village
  236. de_wallmart
  237. de_walmart_final
  238. dm_inka
  239. doa_graveyard_alpha1
  240. drop_in
  241. duhhh
  242. endor
  243. explosion!
  244. ex_iban
  245. ex_iban][
  246. falling
  247. farmhouse_de
  248. first_map
  249. flooded_de
  250. fun_allinone
  251. fun_rollercoaster
  252. fun_zone
  253. fy_iceworld
  254. fy_iceworld3
  255. fy_party
  256. fy_poolparty
  257. fy_pool_day
  258. fy_rambohulk
  259. fy_snow2
  260. fy_warehouse
  261. fy_zeropulse_beta8
  262. gahhhhh
  263. gallery
  264. gas_station
  265. gibs_r_us
  266. gijoehq_cs
  267. gijoehq_de
  268. gijoe_cars
  269. glass
  270. hallofdeath
  271. hamsters
  272. helms_deep
  273. helms_deep_ag
  274. he_dodgeball2
  275. he_glass
  276. he_offroad
  277. he_oldgym
  278. he_pool_night
  279. hide_n_seek
  280. Hoth
  281. hoth_pt2
  282. huhhh
  283. imperialBase
  284. isengard_battle
  285. jail_riot3
  286. jp_cars
  287. jp_riverride
  288. jp_site_b
  289. ka_beams
  290. ka_cse_knifetourney
  291. ka_figureskating
  292. ka_jedis_smokin_shed
  293. ka_legoland
  294. ka_legoland2
  295. ka_trains
  296. ken_west
  297. knife_zone
  298. kof_snipers
  299. kz_6fd_volcano
  300. kz_adv_quadrablock
  301. kz_adv_underground
  302. kz_arcdetriomphe
  303. kz_ascension_b08
  304. kz_azclimb
  305. kz_beginner
  306. kz_boulder_b01
  307. kz_bridge
  308. kz_bye_erarock
  309. kz_canyon
  310. kz_cg_tower
  311. kz_cg_wigbl0ck
  312. kz_cliffez
  313. kz_climbersxp_b03
  314. kz_climbers_b01
  315. kz_cmp_collage_v2
  316. kz_crs_iceclimb
  317. kz_cruiser
  318. kz_darkmine
  319. kz_deanhawkins_b01
  320. kz_dimensions_b02
  321. kz_ep_gigablock_b01
  322. kz_exn_ezjungle
  323. kz_exn_jungle
  324. kz_ezalpin
  325. kz_ezboulder_b01
  326. kz_fairy_island
  327. kz_giantbean_b15
  328. kz_goldenbean_200401
  329. kz_greattemple
  330. kz_hauntedhouse_v1
  331. kz_hideandseek1_b01
  332. kz_hideandseek1_b02
  333. kz_highblock_xp
  334. kz_hopez
  335. kz_j2s_darktower
  336. kz_j2s_icevalley
  337. kz_j2s_windsor
  338. kz_jett_mountain
  339. kz_kzfr_darktree
  340. kz_kzfr_statueofliberty
  341. kz_kzfr_tibet
  342. kz_kzno_travel
  343. kz_kzse_dustbhop
  344. kz_kzse_natureblock
  345. kz_man_climbers
  346. kz_man_climbersxp
  347. kz_man_congo_b01
  348. kz_man_deathhill
  349. kz_man_dinocanyon
  350. kz_man_dragon
  351. kz_man_everest
  352. kz_man_indiana
  353. kz_man_owtcity
  354. kz_man_riverside
  355. kz_man_terablock
  356. kz_nolve
  357. kz_northpole_b01
  358. kz_peak_b01
  359. kz_peak_b02
  360. kz_px_eaglecliff
  361. kz_rang_maze
  362. kz_rd_giganticwall
  363. kz_real_adventure_b01
  364. kz_real_caverns
  365. kz_real_islands
  366. kz_real_skyscraper
  367. kz_sk_proclimbing
  368. kz_starwars_b05
  369. kz_tpc_possclimb_b01
  370. kz_tropiclimb_b01
  371. kz_wsp_1337block
  372. kz_wsp_arpino
  373. kz_wsp_caves
  374. kz_wsp_cavity
  375. kz_wsp_inferno
  376. kz_wsp_islandclimb
  377. kz_wsp_marioland
  378. kz_wsp_snowbeach
  379. kz_wsp_valleyclimb
  380. kz_xj_mountez
  381. lakehouse
  382. lasertron
  383. laser_tron
  384. mc_logo_test
  385. megacrazycar
  386. mid_air
  387. millennium falcon
  388. millfal
  389. mos_eisley_beta
  390. motel
  391. n00b_cube
  392. nipperhouse
  393. nippers100
  394. nm_spr
  395. nth_lets_take_mothers_tank
  396. oldhouse
  397. onewaywalltest
  398. ow_cc
  399. ow_cc_even_owyer
  400. panic_room
  401. pa_long_jump
  402. pistols3
  403. playground3
  404. playground_x
  405. r6_arena
  406. r7_arena
  407. radiowall2
  408. rubber_sled
  409. sandstrike
  410. scoutzknivez
  411. scoutzknivez3
  412. seccam1button
  413. seccamfull
  414. shipwreck
  415. ship_fight
  416. shotgun_warehouse
  417. skytest
  418. sniper_tower
  419. spr_cs
  420. squallbox_r5
  421. sq_jackass
  422. starwars
  423. starwars2
  424. starwars2a
  425. starwars3
  426. starwarsA
  427. starwars_trench
  428. starwars_trench_assault
  429. starwars_trench_night
  430. steam_test_room2
  431. supercrazycar
  432. supercrazycar2
  433. supercrazytank
  434. surfy_maniax
  435. surf_#cs-surf-league
  436. surf_1337
  437. surf_420jouste
  438. surf_africa
  439. surf_air100
  440. surf_alien_v2
  441. surf_arena
  442. surf_arena_v2
  443. surf_aztec
  444. surf_aztec2
  445. surf_aztec2b31
  446. surf_aztec_mario
  447. surf_blocks
  448. surf_chaos
  449. surf_christmas
  450. surf_city
  451. surf_cloudz
  452. surf_dash
  453. surf_dunedin
  454. surf_egypt
  455. surf_egyptian
  456. surf_fasiken
  457. surf_forfun
  458. surf_foxx2
  459. surf_helix
  460. surf_hostage
  461. surf_ice
  462. surf_idea
  463. surf_idea_v2
  464. surf_jungle
  465. surf_jungle_v2
  466. surf_liberty
  467. surf_mindspin
  468. surf_mountain
  469. surf_ninja
  470. surf_ruins
  471. surf_s-r-f
  472. surf_skate_v1
  473. surf_spectacular
  474. surf_the-gap_chang
  475. surf_the-gap_distance
  476. surf_the-gap_v2
  477. surf_the-gap_v4
  478. surf_tower_wars
  479. surf_waterslide
  480. swampcaves
  481. sw_death_star
  482. sw_trench
  483. sw_trench_run_b11
  484. tantooine
  485. tarnhouse
  486. teamplay
  487. teleport
  488. teleports
  489. temple_of_doom
  490. testtemple_a1
  491. tfc_nightmare
  492. thejungle
  493. the_ambush
  494. the_get_away
  495. the_get_away2
  496. the_grenade
  497. the_grenade2
  498. the_grenade_beta
  499. the_sniper_b1
  500. the_stairs
  501. the_stairs2
  502. the_wild_1
  503. the_wild_2
  504. the_wild_3
  505. trench_hall
  506. troopbox
  507. tropical3
  508. turret
  509. turret02
  510. turret2
  511. usp_ninjas
  512. vangede
  513. wall
  514. western
  515. whaaa
  516. world-trade-center
  517. x-mas_tree
  518. x-wing2
  519. xmas_crazytank
  520. xmas_nipperhouse
  521. xwingtest
  522. xwing_tie
  523. xwing_tie_b2
  524. zrbn_deathlabyrinth

Phew....  Oh and all of these are on or Fast DL server too...


Please note that a few of these listed here are not playable, there are a few test maps mixed up in there and they may not be on the servers... such as millennium_falcon which is a test map that is not completed yet....



Author Thread:
All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 10:50 AM (EST)
Also note that this doesn't include the Beta Maps... That would add a few hundred more! But they are for beta testing only. Yeah I know a few snuck in there, oh well.... *tease* lol...

Rush Retrospective
All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Thursday, February 1, 2007 2:30 PM (EST)
Give me some time. I have my old cstrike folder backed up from before my PC crashed in May. Ill go through it and see whats not on there because I remember playing some very fun maps!

Rush Retrospective
All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Thursday, February 1, 2007 2:31 PM (EST)
whats this? you have the aluminum falcon test map???

All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Saturday, February 3, 2007 7:44 AM (EST)
can u add them all into a zip file ? lol then there will be no need for me to download them

All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Saturday, February 3, 2007 12:42 PM (EST)


mc_logo_test, that must be a FUN map!


#416 is the best map ever.


I also love this map:


All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Saturday, February 3, 2007 9:42 PM (EST)

n00b_cube  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

w00t w00t w00t w00tt

SOON u will have ScoutzMaiaZ

All your Mapz R belong to us!!
Posted: Sunday, February 4, 2007 11:57 PM (EST)

we need surf_simpsons!


thats all for now.


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