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Author Thread: New Mod for 24/7 Starwars_trench server!!
New Mod for 24/7 Starwars_trench server!!
Posted: Friday, July 14, 2006 11:03 PM (EST)
Hey... just want to let people knw what i thought about the new mod you just put into the server. Its very good for the ct, but its horrible for the t. I absolutly hate playing with the t. Just wondering if you could anyway edit the mod and make like the powers the same or something... or just take it totatly off cuase its not fair for one side to be better than the other. Besides that i love the map, and just got into the top 15 in a long time. Havent really tried the other severs you got but this one is good and fun.. people just post back what you thought about what i said or what you think about the powers. ~Spyder~



Author Thread:
New Mod for 24/7 Starwars_trench server!!
Posted: Friday, July 21, 2006 8:36 AM (EST)

Sorry for the Delayed reply, I was away on Vacation..

Glad to hear you like the server. The Admins and I were just discussing this very thing. I would like to hear from people to see what they think would help improve the mod. The mod already does allow several things like disabling certain characters or changing some of their settings.

Any comments will be taken into consideration


New Mod for 24/7 Starwars_trench server!!
Posted: Friday, July 21, 2006 6:35 PM (EST)

I hate u spyder u beat me to it about the fairness of the teams

but anyway yea i do agree with him


and P.S  i think the ranks should be reset soon

New Mod for 24/7 Starwars_trench server!!
Posted: Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:22 AM (EST)

I'm open to suggestions....


The Ranks reset by themsleves after a while. I forget what the criteria is though.

New Mod for 24/7 Starwars_trench server!!
Posted: Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:57 PM (EST)
no dont resets the stats, i just finally got into top 15 and i tried so hard... dont reset plz. And iwas also wondering how to join mc or get admin to srever.


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