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Author Thread: Introduce Yourself
Introduce Yourself
Posted: Friday, March 31, 2006 12:36 AM (EST)

I'm {MC}ParaDOX, I own the servers, site and all things MC, Muahahaaaa!

Just kidding. Anyway use this post to let people know a little about you. Yeah I know we have profiles, but that's only a little bit, Tell us your likes and dislikes your favorite whatever, etc, etc, etc.....


Author Thread:
Introduce Yourself
Posted: Saturday, April 1, 2006 7:09 PM (EST)
Well, my name is Joe Scie, AKA: Troop, Imaginary. I'm also in {MC} and that means I'm also an admin. I love to work with graphics, and I hope to be a graphics designer one day. I own www.IMGGraphics.com, which will hopefully be very succesful one day. Like everyone else here, I'm a gamer.

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Monday, April 3, 2006 7:09 AM (EST)

Hey, my name is Joost Dam.... yes dutch, ha... I'm 17 years old. You can find me playing in the servers with the name Doded, or any other name you might not expect at that time LOL. I'm also a member of {MC}.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me


- Doded





Doded... dislikes the weather here.

Doded... has got to go to school today in an hour... for an hour..

Doded... is hungry.

Doded... has red hair..

Doded... bites his nails.. a LOT.

Doded... is on ventrilo whenever he is on the computer.

Doded... is tired of writing and doesn't know other facts atm.

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Monday, April 3, 2006 10:10 AM (EST)

im SnakZ (Ricky) i use allot more names but thats my main one 

age 20

im the only admin on MC who suck at spelling lol

and loves to llama someone


Introduce Yourself
Posted: Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:29 PM (EST)
i'm cash, i never play becuase i'm lame... oh and i rock the living poo out of para cause i pwn his rear posterior end! :-D hehe cash

Mr. Zarbon
Introduce Yourself
Posted: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:00 PM (EST)

My name is Mr. Zarbon and I am a pirate that likes to

Ramble and bury treasure



Zoos are fun to visit

And I find that some zookeepers

Read a lot,

But I'm really not sure if they

Only read books or if they sometimes read



lol.  Let's try another one shall we?


Playing a lot

Is hard for me, because I have college and I accidently waste time flying

Kites.  This can be a problem because playing Counter-Strike is

Awesome.  Sometimes my

Cat jumps on me keyboard and I tend to

Humiliate myself by typing crazy things because I'm

Under the influence of insanity.  Pikachu.


^ lol. 

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 6:27 PM (EST)

Hey, My name is Jason, I'm a leader of KA.  I go by the name Master, cause I once got this three year old kid to believe my name was Master... he's six and still calls me that.


I'm working right now as a graphics designer for a small website.  I also do some web design, and historical research.  I also work as an independent representative for a near-billion dollar tele-communications business, and will soon be rackin' in enough money to sustain me for life (residual income suckas!).  When that happens I will be a student the remainder of my life, I love to learn.... as queer as that sounds.


I'm a gamer... but I suck.  In the world I fit no where.  I am too much of a geek for regular society to accept me, and not enough of one for the geek world to accept me.  I am a vagabond. =].

mongo treckker
Introduce Yourself
Posted: Tuesday, August 1, 2006 1:48 PM (EST)
I'm mongo treckker as most of the people on the starwars_trench servers know me, im friends with troop and i love playing fps'

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Friday, August 4, 2006 2:39 PM (EST)
I am GhosT, former member/leader of clan -=FD=- which was oldschool. I hope to some day be {MC} since it has been 3 years! I do have admin on the {MC} servers for knowing all the members quite well and I have had a break in cs a few times so I don't know if I have admin anymore but every time i come back para always says I do

  I love snowmobiling, fishing, dirtbiking, fixing the vehicles, and computer gaming of course! I am 16 and still in highschool and just got my drivers license! woohoo

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Wednesday, October 4, 2006 3:08 PM (EST)



{MC}ParaDOX (u rock and i know where u live)

{MC}Troop / Imaginary (ur scary
{MC}Doded (u where right)
{MC}Northern Lights
[SSZ}SnakZ of Shadow Skill Z
b0o! (havent seen him in soo long)
Reign - Suicidal Youth
Mongo Treckker( in my clan) 

i had to say that/

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Monday, October 16, 2006 12:12 AM (EST)
add me or i'll destroy you ... :-D hehe

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 3:57 PM (EST)
and cash

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:20 PM (EST)


my real name is Garrick


dumb facts


i can count to 1000

i liek fruit

i like steak

i know my ABC's

i like chocolate

i listen to music

i play CS

i like girls (hot ones lol)

Favorite song ( The Way You Like It By Adema)

i can spell potato

and corn

and this

and that


ok thats it





Introduce Yourself
Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2006 1:46 PM (EST)

yo i love u man, but confuse that crap out of me.

the last time i was playing with u under suicidal youth i asked you if that and reign where the same person and you said no.

now ur saying you are!!

you cant get really weird sometimes. =] but ur the reason why i got admin

so i love u


didnt u play under jesus once?

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Thursday, November 2, 2006 5:35 PM (EST)
lol i could have been but i dont know

tensa zangetsu
Introduce Yourself
Posted: Monday, November 6, 2006 8:39 PM (EST)
hey i'm tensa and well i just play cs alot

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 4:08 PM (EST)
I am awesome. This is all.

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 2:35 PM (EST)
kinda late there killer

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Tuesday, January 2, 2007 8:46 PM (EST)

hello. im Mr. Cow (carlos)


likes..sw2, sw trench


im a gamer . can i get a WOoT!? i try to play everyday, but school doesnt make that possible >.<


im in [SS]


would like to be an admin =)






Introduce Yourself
Posted: Wednesday, January 3, 2007 6:25 AM (EST)
INOX ---   My real name is Artie, and I can speel. I mean splel. I mean... i mean... spell. I work with Para so I get to break his balls all day and complain to him about every little thing that annoys me about computers. I used to know the answrs to the mysteries of the universe but....... I forgot. If I had any room left I would get a Gears of War tattoo. I suck at CS cause I'm not really a PC gamer (besides being really, really old) but I can rock your socks in Gears.

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Saturday, January 13, 2007 9:50 AM (EST)

u you for para thats sweet i wish i could but im not smart enough and the job i have now sucks balls so i would love working for para....did u live  near him in the bronx to...cuse i live right acrossi the bridge in tenafly.....like 10 min drive from fordham where i dive =]


Introduce Yourself
Posted: Sunday, January 28, 2007 6:22 PM (EST)
hey wattup ppl im DaBoobah. ive played wit some of u stab and rush i think. ur servs are pretty nice and i count on playin on em alot. oh and btw my real name is jourdain... its pronounced the same as jordan but my parents are french so they chose jourdain... well thats about all i had to say. hope to see yall around!

Introduce Yourself
Posted: Friday, February 9, 2007 7:12 PM (EST)

hey, paraDOx.

its Dr. Cow


heres my Steam ID


 "[SS]  Mr. Cow" 1 STEAM_0:1:8727676



tensa zangetsu
Introduce Yourself
Posted: Friday, March 9, 2007 6:57 PM (EST)

just incase anyone wants to know my email is:




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