I am Far from being out of ideas for this web site, but I would love to hear from all of the users about what they think we should have here.
Ideas for Votes, Topics for discussions, the look and feel of the site.. anything....
I know!! I was in the process of doin just that! The theme isnt finished yet...
Thanks for reminding me
Well as you can probably see I have fixed most if not all of these issues... Please let me know if you see any other issues related to Fon't and Font Colors or anything like that.
I will tryu to fix it right away.
I have seen smaller fonts on other websites...
hmmm check out www.microsoft.com (same size)Still think the Font's too small?
Try this: on your view menu, select text size, make sure it's set to medium. You can also set the Font size to a larger one. oh and if you have a wheel mouse (like I do) try Press and hold the CTRL key while rolling the whell up and down. Cool huh? well, it works on some sites
I'll see about making it one size larger... FYI It's set in Pixels not Points
Personally I like 'em small, It looks neater. and you can fit more stuff on the page.
LOL btw.. you can change the font on your posts
Make it look anyway you like!
even do things like:
Have FUN!!!
Hey, you could add a DOWNLOADS page to the site, instead of having them in events or whatever, like the map starwars2/1, gahh like the maps that you guys have been playing on server. And the steam client, everything like that.
PS: this message is for Northern~Lights, Is it possible to use the FUSION PACK (version) in steam?
maybe u could add some backround sounds with the site and stuff...
thats all i have in my head for now =P
no way, dont add backround sound popups i hate those and they are annoying!
btw when can I finish my tryout warped?/ParaDOX?
It is not possible because steam picks up on it and doesnt allow it, but there is a fussion pack for steam clients but it's on a pay them cash basis for a 30day trial period or pay for a year Bummer huh
ouch was thinking of buying it too well guess i have to spend my money on sumthing else =(
maybe for the download section u can put down fusion packs even though it might lag if u have a crappy computer since the graphics are WAY better ...
Sure... What do you suggest we offer for Download?.....
Hmm maybe we can feature a map of the week...
Sorry i am in the wrong forum but I have to goto school in 5 mins, I am Ghost here. I am here to officially say I am back in buisness with Counterstrike Steam. I made my own buy script and it rocks.. I just got a AMD athlon 2.4ghz computer for christmas with a MSI NVIDIA Geforce FX5200 128mb video card!!!! so now i got a super computer i can play anythign!!! I just got Call of Duty last night. I RECOMMEND YOU GUYS BUY CALL OF DUTY IT FRICKEN!!! OWNS!!! its so realistic and.. oh man its so awesome! but i only got a 20 gb hard drive so i can only fit so much on... Right now i play cs, Jedi knight 2, and Call of Duty (not online yet beings im hooked on SP)
Cya all
PS: Is -=FD=- Dead while i was gone?
Just a little Off Topic! lol
I havent figured out anything to do that yet.... I would be interested too... We could make some really cool movies!
You know I bet Kirk would love you (to an extent) if you added an <-(SR)-> page. Let Kirk edit it (or you could) and we could begin the orginization part of the clan. I mean, we take over your server already, why not make a little place in your heart (website) for us. I know I'd love to see what Kirk's mind is up to (I hope). Thanx for listening (*tear* your the first to do so)... !
wow I love sayin that...
MEMBERS PAGE! YA DUDE! I DON"T KNOW WHO ALL IS IN MC!!!!!!!!! MEMBERS PAGE NOW PARA! I'M GOING NUCKING FUTZ OVER IT MAN! :-) Dont listen to me if you get annoyed just slap me... :-)
But, But, But!!! I don't know who you all are.. I know, para, natas, para, natas um...I don't know! :-( **tear**
Notice, SR has organization... we have a members page! :-)
umm, I think...
ghost (maybe?)
are all in MC
You left out some...
Ghost is not MC. Sorry Ghost!
good idea..
and mayb u should make sum kind of manual for dedicated servers and all other tech stuf..
Not a bad idea, but there are plenty of sites dedicated to that already.
If you want I'll put some links up for the ones that I know about.
Well actually I have an Edit option. But it is only available to the Admins... It also doesn't let us edit the comments... I could modify it so that it would be possible, to let users edit thier own posts... personally I like to see what was there originally, so that people can't say I never said that!!
i see i see lol
can u have it on a time bass
Its a mystery...
Mystery Clan.... just kidding, that's not it!
make it so that it save the unedit post but no one can see it but the admin of the site