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Home > Downloads > MapPacks


By Stab on Monday, October 16, 2006 (EST)

where can we get a list of the maps on this map pack, i dont know how to add the map pack to my sever because i dont know that names of the maps so they dont go into the amx changelevel menu,


also is adding a map pack different than adding a reguarl map?

or do u have to add it to a different place>


By Stab on Monday, October 16, 2006 (EST)

where can we get a list of the maps on this map pack, i dont know how to add the map pack to my sever because i dont know that names of the maps so they dont go into the amx changelevel menu,


also is adding a map pack different than adding a reguarl map?

or do u have to add it to a different place>


By Stab on Monday, October 16, 2006 (EST)

where can we get a list of the maps on this map pack, i dont know how to add the map pack to my sever because i dont know that names of the maps so they dont go into the amx changelevel menu,


also is adding a map pack different than adding a reguarl map?

or do u have to add it to a different place>


By Stab on Monday, October 16, 2006 (EST)

where can we get a list of the maps on this map pack, i dont know how to add the map pack to my sever because i dont know that names of the maps so they dont go into the amx changelevel menu,


also is adding a map pack different than adding a reguarl map?

or do u have to add it to a different place>


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